Meltham Moor Primary School Ofsted Report

Full inspection result: Good

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Full report

What does the school need to do to improve further?

  • Ensure that all teaching, learning and assessment are consistently good or better in the school, and result in at least good progress, in all subjects, across all years, by: - better meeting the needs of some of the most able pupils with more challenging work - checking regularly the learning and progress of pupils in lessons, and revising work and the timing of activities so that they learn well.
  • Sharpen the skills of all leaders, including governors, in checking precisely the effectiveness of teaching on all pupils’ good and better learning and progress across the school.

Inspection judgements

Effectiveness of leadership and management Good

  • The headteacher shows high expectations of all pupils and staff. She has an accurate view of the strengths of the school and priorities for further development.
  • The headteacher’s ambitions are shared by senior and middle leaders and governors. Inspection evidence indicates that leaders have created an inclusive and cohesive school, in which there is a strong culture of vigilance.
  • While the quality of teaching is of a good standard, resulting in good overall pupils’ achievement, the headteacher has already identified that not all teaching is as effective as it should be. She is taking effective steps to eradicate inconsistencies, supported ably by other leaders and governors.
  • Arrangements for managing the performance of staff are well organised. They ensure that all teachers are held to account for developing the quality of their teaching, and for making sure that the pupils they teach make good and better progress. Senior leaders recognise that some teachers’ individual targets could be sharper.
  • Leaders and governors are keen to further develop their expertise and accuracy in checking the quality of teaching and the impact that it has on all pupils’ learning.
  • The pupil premium funding is used efficiently. Funding is reviewed by senior leaders and governors to ensure that it supports individual pupils’ needs. As a result, differences between the achievement of disadvantaged pupils and other pupils nationally have diminished over time.
  • Leaders have also used the additional physical education (PE) and sports funding to increase the range of sports in which pupils can participate. Professional coaching enhances staff’s confidence in planning for, and delivering, meaningful PE experiences. Pupils participate in a wide range of activities and competitions, including gymnastics, street dance and athletics.
  • The discrete funding for pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is also checked carefully for impact. Bespoke learning arrangements ensure that these pupils make good progress.
  • The well-planned curriculum engages pupils’ interests and ignites their curiosity. Teachers work hard to ensure that pupils enjoy their learning and that they broaden their knowledge of life beyond their own community. For example, in key stage 1, pupils compare their findings from different seasonal walks, make model castles and enjoy cooking medieval food. Across key stage 2, pupils learn how to devise computer programs, marvel about the solar system and question the possibilities of another ice age.
  • Displays around the school celebrate pupils’ artistic, musical and performing skills. Assemblies uphold key school and fundamental British values, such as respect and tolerance for family differences and the concepts of freedom and equality.
  • Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted well. Opportunities to learn about different religions deepen pupils’ spiritual and cultural awareness. Pupils develop an understanding of democracy through assembly themes and in the annual election of school councillors, playground leaders and buddies.
  • Pupils’ adherence to the school’s behavioural code, readiness to take on board positions of responsibility and regular participation in sporting activities enhance their social and moral skills.
  • The school has forged effective links with the local authority and expert practitioners from within the Honley partnership of schools and the West Yorkshire teaching alliance. These links provide the school with good support and challenge, to further enhance the quality of teaching and leadership capacity.

Governance of the school

  • Governors are ambitious for all pupils and families, and are determined to provide high-quality teaching and learning experiences for all.
  • Governors receive regular information about the school’s performance. They are clear about the school’s strengths and priorities for further development.
  • Governors place a high priority on keeping pupils safe. Governors ensure that the recruitment of staff is extremely thorough, and that staff and governors’ training is up to date and relevant.
  • Governors are confident in holding school leaders and managers to account and achieve an appropriate balance of challenge and support. They are keen to further develop their understanding of the effectiveness of day-to-day teaching on all pupils’ outcomes.


  • The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
  • Staff have a good understanding of the implications of the latest version of ‘Keeping children safe in education’. They use the advice and information they receive to constantly guide their work.
  • Leaders strictly adhere to the school’s safeguarding procedures and liaise closely with the relevant external organisations, including the Local Safeguarding Children Board and local authority child protection personnel.
  • Leaders ensure a safe environment for pupils through regular and detailed risk assessments. Staff are vigilant in keeping pupils safe.
  • The school’s records show that links with individual families, particularly in which pupils live in vulnerable circumstances, are well established.
  • Staff make themselves available throughout the school day, and beyond, to ensure that pupils and families receive the support they need.
  • Arrangements for recruiting new staff are detailed, and the school maintains an up-to-date, accurate record of all appointments.

Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Good

  • Teaching is good not only in English and mathematics but also in other subjects. Teachers and support staff plan learning that generally enthuses pupils.
  • In Years 2 and 5, for example, inspectors saw pupils solving some challenging mathematics problems. Year 6 pupils’ books showed emergent writing in different styles, including dramatic, journalistic and autobiographical accounts. Year 3 pupils talked enthusiastically about their learning of the Iron and Stone Ages, while Year 4 pupils were keen to explain how the different parts of an electrical circuit make a bulb light up.
  • In most lessons, teachers show a good understanding of pupils’ needs and interests. They expect pupils to apply their learning in different contexts. Most teachers use probing questions skilfully to elicit pupils’ understanding and extend their thinking.
  • The teaching of mathematics across the school is good. Increasingly, teachers encourage pupils to explain approaches to solving problems and to reason why they succeed and sometimes fail.
  • The teaching of writing is equally successful. In many classes, pupils write confidently in a range of formal and informal contexts, and for different audiences and purposes. Teachers encourage pupils to consider punctuation and vocabulary that makes a real impact on the reader, and to spell accurately.
  • Reading is taught well. Pupils enjoy reading for pleasure. Younger pupils are taught to use their phonics knowledge to read unfamiliar words accurately. Older pupils appreciate the importance of reading and read regularly in school and at home.
  • Most teaching assistants provide pupils with effective support, which heightens their learning from their different starting points.
  • Good relationships exist between adults and pupils. This fosters positive attitudes to learning and encourages pupils to try their best.
  • The school’s website contains suggestions and links for home learning opportunities. Pupils said that they use these to practise and develop their skills in reading, writing, mathematics and other subjects.
  • On occasions, in some lessons, teachers’ and teaching assistants’ expectations are not high enough. They do not check regularly enough the learning and progress of all pupils and revise work and the timing of activities so that all learn well.
  • This results in some pupils losing concentration, and completing work in a superficial manner that does not reflect their true abilities. Not all teachers set tasks for some of the most able pupils that consistently challenge them.

Personal development, behaviour and welfare Good

Personal development and welfare

  • The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is good.
  • Pupils’ welfare is a priority. Leaders work successfully with other agencies, including the local authority and social care, when they identify any pupils that may be at risk.
  • Many lessons, and the array of educational visits and extra-curricular opportunities, motivate pupils to think about the world around them.
  • Visits to local churches, mosques and temples, and opportunities to learn about the different backgrounds of the small proportion of pupils who come from other countries help to prepare pupils well for life in modern Britain. These experiences promote a good appreciation of the views of people from different backgrounds, faiths and cultures.
  • Pupils have a good understanding of the concepts of freedom and democracy and of Britain’s parliamentary system. They talk enthusiastically about their responsibilities as play leaders, buddies and school councillors. They understand how well these opportunities enable them to contribute to the school’s community.
  • Pupils and adults mix happily with each other at break and lunch times. Pupils are well mannered and welcoming of visitors.
  • Pupils said how much they feel safe in the school and how they are well cared for. They are confident that staff will help them with any problems that may arise.
  • Pupils know how to keep themselves safe. They are conscious of the importance of keeping safe online and the vigilance they need to show about people they do not know beyond the school’s gates.
  • Pupils understand about different types of bullying and try to prevent it from happening. Pupils said that when infrequent incidents of bullying occur they are dealt with quickly and successfully by staff.
  • Science and PE lessons, as well as assemblies, ensure that pupils are aware of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet.
  • The school’s records show that a minority of pupils show signs of challenging emotional and behavioural traits, at times. These are well dealt with by all of the adults.
  • Pupils in all years benefit from well-organised opportunities to meet their new teacher, visit their new classroom and learn about their new learning experiences as they move through the school.


  • The behaviour of pupils is good. Overall inspection evidence indicates that the school operates as an inclusive and cohesive community.
  • Pupils show a good awareness of the expectations that adults and their peers have of their behaviour. This was seen consistently in all years.
  • The vast majority of pupils show positive attitudes to learning and work cooperatively in most lessons. They listen to each other’s points of view and help one another with their work.
  • Leaders successfully promote the importance of regular attendance and quickly follow up any extended absence. As a result, attendance is above average and the vast majority of pupils attend regularly.
  • On occasions, particularly where teachers’ expectations are not high enough, some pupils lose concentration in some classes. On these occasions, some pupils do not make the most of their learning opportunities.

Outcomes for pupils Good

  • Pupils’ achievement is good. This is because most teaching inspires pupils to learn and succeed.
  • As a result, overall key stage 1 attainment over time is at least average. Attainment at the end of key stage 2 is above average, especially in writing. Unvalidated 2017 outcomes sustain this picture. These outcomes represent good progress.
  • Pupils’ reading skills are well developed. From different starting points, pupils read fluently and with understanding to inspectors. They used acquired phonics skills to pronounce unfamiliar words accurately. Older pupils could talk about their favourite authors, giving reasons for their preferences.
  • Pupils’ mathematical skills are also well developed. In most classes, pupils are keen to practise their basic mathematical skills and to use them to solve mathematical problems. Many pupils readily explain how they have worked out calculations, and why they have chosen certain approaches to solving problems.
  • The vast majority of pupils develop confidence in writing for different purposes and audiences. Pupils are adept in using a range of language and punctuation for effect. Many sequence their ideas skilfully in well-constructed sentences and paragraphs. Increasingly, pupils spell accurately and use grammar correctly.
  • Pupils develop good skills and understanding in science. By the end of key stage 2, they reach broadly average standards. Pupils develop good musical appreciation through playing a range of instruments, listening regularly to music from different world cultures and enjoying regular singing opportunities. Good-quality PE experiences develop levels of teamwork, stamina and physical agility. In art, pupils consider great artists, architects and designers throughout history.
  • Pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities make good progress. This progress is the result of well-planned support and well-targeted activities.
  • By the time they leave school, the progress made by pupils eligible for support funded by the pupil premium is also good. Differences in the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and others nationally have narrowed over time. School information shows that the majority of current disadvantaged pupils, including the most able, are making good progress in many classes. This is because the school is aware of their needs and generally ensures that support for them is effective.
  • The most able pupils generally make good progress. Many lessons challenge them to think for themselves and deepen their understanding.
  • On occasions, however, some pupils do not make consistently the progress of which they are capable. This is particularly the case for some of the most able. This is because some teachers’ expectations are not consistently high enough. Work is not pitched at a high enough level to sustain pupils’ interest levels and consistently develop their skills and understanding.

Early years provision Good

  • The vast majority of children make good progress in the early years. By the end of the Reception Year, the proportion reaching a good level of development is rising and at the national average. Children are well prepared to start Year 1.
  • Children settle quickly in the Nursery and become confident learners because routines and expectations are well defined. They behave well and quickly show respect for, and patience towards, one another.
  • For the most part, children are encouraged to help each other with the planned activities. They confidently explore the stimulating resources, collaborating enthusiastically to play tunes with xylophones, follow a recipe to create magic potions and construct ‘emergency’ vehicles from packets and boxes.
  • Many of the adults ask questions that encourage children to think for themselves and develop confidence in communicating with each other. In the main, adults check how well children are doing and identify how they can develop further.
  • On occasions, some adults do not ensure that time and resources are used to the best effect. Some children are not encouraged, as well as they might be, to derive full benefit from some of the outdoor opportunities and experiences designed to develop key literacy and numeracy skills.
  • The regular modelling of sounds and actions by most of the adults particularly lends confidence to children who are experiencing communication difficulties. Those who have SEN and/or disabilities are supported effectively alongside their peers. Pupil premium funding is used successfully to provide disadvantaged children with additional support and resources.
  • Not all of the most able children are challenged consistently to ensure that they develop their skills to the full. Over time, few children exceed a good level of development by the end of the Reception Year.
  • Effective leadership of the early years ensures that staff work well as a team and are keen to share good practice with each other. Early years practitioners are proactive in seeking out, and learning from, the good practice in other schools.

School details

Unique reference number Local authority Inspection number Type of school School category Age range of pupils Gender of pupils 107681 Kirklees 10040462 Primary Community 3 to 11 Mixed Number of pupils on the school roll 217 Appropriate authority The governing body Chair Headteacher Telephone number Website Email address Sarah Lockwood Liz Woodfield 01484 859032

Date of previous inspection June 2007

Information about this school

  • The school meets the requirements on the publication of specified information on its website.
  • The school is a smaller than average-sized primary school.
  • The vast majority of pupils are White British. Few pupils speak English as an additional language.
  • The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for support through the pupil premium is average.
  • The proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is average. The proportion of pupils who have an education, health and care plan is broadly average.
  • The school meets the government’s current floor standards, which are the minimum expectations for pupils’ attainment and progress.
  • In recent years, a new headteacher, deputy headteacher, middle leaders and a new chair of governors have been appointed.

Information about this inspection

  • The inspection was converted from an initial unannounced Section 8 inspection, due to safeguarding concerns arising from a complaint, to a Section 5 inspection. The reason for the conversion was the result of insufficient information to support the school’s continued outstanding effectiveness.
  • Inspectors visited a wide range of lessons across the school, looking extensively at pupils’ work in all lessons. A large number of visits to lessons were made with the headteacher and deputy headteacher.
  • Alongside school leaders, inspectors reviewed pupils’ progress data and pupils’ work in books, information about the performance of teachers, documents pertaining to safety and behaviour, and information pertaining to safeguarding.
  • Inspectors spoke with pupils in lessons, at break and lunch times, and met with groups of pupils separately.
  • Meetings were held with the headteacher and deputy headteacher, senior and middle leaders, governors and a representative from the local authority. Informal discussions also took place with a number of parents in the playground, prior to the start of the school day.
  • Due to the conversion of the inspection, no Ofsted questionnaires were available for completion. However, inspectors considered school surveys of the views of parents of the work of the school.
  • Year 6 pupils were taking part in an off-site residential learning experience during the inspection. Their learning and progress were assessed through discussions with key staff, and detailed sampling of the school’s records for Year 6 and of the work in pupils’ books.

Inspection team

Andy Swallow, lead inspector Lynda Florence Mary Lanovy-Taylor

Ofsted Inspector Ofsted Inspector Ofsted Inspector