Kingsacre Primary School Ofsted Report

Full inspection result: Requires Improvement

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Full report

What does the school need to do to improve further?

  • Strengthen leadership and management by ensuring that:
    • school self-evaluation is accurate and leads to sharply focused actions
    • leaders at all levels have a common and thorough understanding of the priorities for improvement based on teachers’ secure assessment information about pupils’ progress
    • governors hold senior leaders stringently to account for the progress that pupils make
    • staff appraisal and professional development are sharply focused on driving up standards in writing and mathematics
    • funding for disadvantaged pupils is used effectively to improve their progress in the core areas of learning
    • effective leadership is developed which carefully monitors and analyses the progress of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities
    • monitoring of teaching, learning and assessment ensures that the most able pupils are challenged sufficiently in their learning
    • reasoning and problem solving in mathematics are embedded across the school, so that pupils make consistently strong progress.
  • Improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment by teachers:
    • ensuring that checks on pupils’ learning are precise
    • raising expectations of what pupils can achieve in writing and mathematics
    • ensuring that planned activities provide sufficient challenge for the most able pupils, especially in writing and mathematics
    • embedding reasoning and problem solving in mathematics. An external review of the school’s use of the pupil premium funding should be undertaken in order to assess how this aspect of leadership and management may be improved. An external review of governance should be undertaken in order to assess how this aspect of leadership and management may be improved.

Inspection judgements

Effectiveness of leadership and management Requires improvement

  • Leaders have been too slow in adapting to the challenges of the new primary national curriculum introduced in 2014. As a result, pupils’ progress in writing and mathematics has not been good enough.
  • Leaders’ self-evaluation of the school’s performance is not accurate. Resulting actions have not been sharp enough to ensure rapid improvements to teaching, learning and assessment. However, the recently appointed interim headteacher and headteacher designate have quickly developed a more accurate understanding of the school’s performance.
  • Leaders’ expectations of what staff and pupils can achieve academically have not been aspirational. For example, the most able pupils do not make the progress they are capable of.
  • Leaders have been slow to establish effective systems to assure themselves that teachers’ assessment information is uniformly accurate. Inconsistencies exist in teaching across the school. Where teaching is effective, leaders are not doing enough to ensure that strong practice is shared.
  • Leaders do not have an effective strategic overview of the impact of pupil premium funding. Disadvantaged pupils make progress but, typically, it is not consistently strong enough. The absence of detailed monitoring means that leaders do not know which strategies are working well and why.
  • Training for teachers is not effective in having a consistently positive impact on pupils’ standards. For example, the monitoring of progress made by pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is not sufficiently developed in order for those pupils to achieve as well as they can.
  • The planned curriculum is too narrow in some areas. Leaders do not effectively monitor aspects of the curriculum. For example, the teaching of science is effective in key stage 1, where teachers’ expectations are higher and pupils take pride in their work. The teaching of science in key stage 2 is variable. Not enough learning takes place, particularly in lower key stage 2.
  • Leaders have cultivated a caring school community where pupils are guided to be responsible citizens. The school’s approach to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils is largely effective. The school prepares pupils positively for life in modern Britain. Pupils learn about other cultures and celebrate diversity.
  • Older pupils have a clear understanding of fundamental British values. They can articulate examples of the rule of law, democracy, equality and tolerance.
  • Community involvement with the school is strong. Parents and carers work well with staff to offer wider experiences for pupils to improve their skills in a range of artistic, creative and sporting activities. For example, parents are actively involved in after-school clubs for music, football and cross-country running.

Governance of the school

  • Governors have not been stringent in holding leaders to account for the quality of education provided by the school. A significant minority of parents who responded to Ofsted’s online questionnaire, Parent View, said that they felt the school was not well led and managed. Intervention from the local authority has led to better challenge and resulting improvement within the school.
  • Governors do not use a sufficiently strategic approach to analyse the impact of pupil premium funding. Monitoring of teaching, learning and assessment is ineffective in ensuring that disadvantaged pupils make strong progress, given their starting points in English and mathematics. An external review is recommended in order to support improvement.
  • Leaders make good use of the physical education (PE) and sport premium to ensure

sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport for the benefit of all pupils. However, governors do not monitor this additional funding effectively to assess its impact.

  • Governors promote the school’s values to foster greater understanding of and respect for people, through their words, actions and influence within the school and more widely in the community.


  • The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
  • Staff receive training to raise awareness and keep pupils safe from radicalisation and extremist views.
  • Administrative staff complete the necessary checks on the suitability of staff, volunteers and visitors to the school. Leaders and governors do not check these processes thoroughly enough.
  • Pupils are safe and articulate clearly how the school supports them to stay safe online. Almost all parents who responded to Ofsted’s online questionnaire, Parent View, said that they felt that their children are safe in school.

Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Requires improvement

  • Teachers do not use assessment information consistently to plan appropriate teaching and learning strategies in writing and mathematics. This means that teaching is not as effective as it should be in moving pupils’ learning forward in some year groups.
  • Teachers do not have consistently high expectations of what pupils can achieve in writing and mathematics. Monitoring by leaders is not effective enough at identifying where teaching needs to improve. As a consequence, too many pupils do not make good progress over time.
  • Teachers’ planning is not ensuring that disadvantaged pupils, and the most able pupils, receive the support and challenge they need to reach their full potential in writing and mathematics.
  • Teachers’ questioning does not, routinely, skilfully probe the most able pupils to deepen their understanding of new concepts. In mathematics, pupils who grasp concepts rapidly do not receive sufficient challenge to apply their skills to more sophisticated problems.
  • Aspects of writing are stronger in some year groups. In key stage 1, early writing skills improve well due to well-structured and precise teaching. Pupils make good progress in writing more complex sentences and the quality of their writing is improved. However, teachers’ expectations for correct punctuation are not strong.
  • In lower key stage 2, opportunities to write are limited, which impairs the progress pupils make in this aspect of English. Pupils in both key stages do not sufficiently practise their writing skills across the curriculum.
  • The school has correctly identified the need to develop pupils’ reasoning and problem-solving skills in mathematics. This approach is not yet embedded across the school.
  • Pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities are generally well supported by teachers and teaching assistants, who help them to engage in learning. However, the school’s approach to accurate identification of needs and monitoring of progress is not sufficiently developed. As a result, pupils’ progress is not routinely good.
  • Classrooms are calm and ordered, with a positive climate for learning. Teachers expect and encourage all pupils to work with positive attitudes. In response, pupils are keen to learn. They talk confidently about their learning, work well together and share their ideas.
  • Support staff typically make a positive contribution to pupils’ learning. Where support is more effective, for example in Year 6, pupils are enabled to deepen their understanding based on what they already know.
  • The teaching of reading is effective. Pupils use their knowledge of phonics to develop early reading skills and to gain access to the wider curriculum. Pupils who struggle with reading are well supported to ensure that they catch up quickly. Pupils in key stage 2 are supported well to read with confidence and fluency.

Personal development, behaviour and welfare Good

Personal development and welfare

  • The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is good. Leaders have created a culture where pupils are respectful and tolerant of others.
  • The school’s pastoral values are brought to life in a caring, nurturing school environment. Pupils actively show care and support for each other. They interact well during breaktimes and lunchtimes. Pupils readily engage in physical activity and they know how to keep themselves healthy.
  • Pupils are typically confident and self-assured. They show respect for others’ ideas and views. Older pupils can reflect positively about their experience of school.
  • Pupils are safe and feel safe. They are confident that the adults in the school will deal with their concerns. Pupils know how to keep themselves safe online. They say bullying is very rare and that it is dealt with quickly if it occurs.
  • Pupils benefit from PE and school sport, where the teaching of swimming strives to ensure that pupils, at a young age, are prepared with a life skill of increased significance, given the school’s coastal location.
  • Pupils are happy and well cared for. Parents are mostly positive about the school’s attention to pupils’ welfare. The curriculum provides many opportunities for pupils’ personal development. However, the spiritual aspect of the curriculum is not consistently developed across the school.


  • The behaviour of pupils is good. Conduct throughout the day is positive. Lessons flow smoothly without interruption; disruption is rare.
  • Pupils are polite and regularly display good manners. They discuss and debate issues in a considered way, showing respect for others’ ideas.
  • Pupils’ attitudes to learning are positive from pre-school to Year 6. Pupils are keen to learn. The relaxed and safe atmosphere in classrooms provides a strong sense of security.
  • Over time, attendance levels are above those found nationally. Recently, persistent absence rates have increased. These figures are analysed by leaders and governors. The school’s work to improve persistent absence, while positive, has not yet brought about consistent improvement.

Outcomes for pupils Requires improvement

  • Current pupils do not make consistently good progress in writing and mathematics. This includes disadvantaged pupils, whose progress is not effectively monitored by governors and staff.
  • The most able pupils do not achieve as well as they should at the end of key stages 1 and 2. These pupils can move their learning forward at a faster rate, especially in writing and mathematics. The proportion of pupils working at greater depth in writing at the end of Year 6 was well below that found nationally in 2016 and 2017. This is because teachers do not plan learning that ensures the most able pupils receive sufficient challenge.
  • At key stage 2, attainment and progress in mathematics declined from 2016 to 2017. Progress in 2017 declined from below to well below that found nationally. Leaders rightly recognised that changes were needed to improve the school’s approach to teaching mathematics. They introduced greater opportunities for pupils to reason mathematically and use their skills to solve problems. This strategy is not yet embedded across the school.
  • At key stage 2, progress over time in writing has improved. However, it remains well below figures found nationally. Pupils’ attainment in writing at key stage 2 improved in 2017 to be broadly in line with the national average.
  • Pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities typically make progress in the core areas of learning. Monitoring of these pupils does not ensure that progress is routinely good.
  • Pupils’ attainment in reading, writing and mathematics is well above that found nationally at the end of Year 2. However, over time, not enough of these pupils achieve greater depth in their learning in writing and mathematics. Current pupils in key stage 1 make progress because teaching is typically well matched to their needs and provides increasing challenge.
  • Children get a good start in the early years, where their understanding of phonics is developed well. By the end of Year 1, a very high proportion of pupils achieve the expected standard in the phonics screening check. Outcomes in phonics are above those found nationally.
  • Pupils continue to make good progress with reading throughout key stage 2 and a high proportion attain the expected standard. The most able pupils achieve well in reading. These pupils demonstrate greater depth in their learning of reading than they do in writing or mathematics.
  • The proportion of pupils achieving the combined expected standard at the end of key stage 2, in reading, writing and mathematics, improved from below that found nationally in 2016 to be broadly in line with the national average in 2017. Most pupils are prepared for the next phase of their education at secondary school. However, they are capable of reaching higher standards, particularly in writing and mathematics.

Early years provision Good

  • Teaching in the early years nurtures, engages and motivates children and promotes their sense of achievement and commitment to learning. It is a supportive environment, which ensures children’s safety and welfare while developing their social skills effectively. Parents are supportive and appreciative of children’s smooth transition from pre-school to the Reception class.
  • Children behave well, and demonstrate that they feel safe. Teachers and teaching assistants ensure that movement between lessons and activities is calm and orderly. They care for the children well. Staff establish clear routines so that children know what they expect. Children listen carefully to adults’ instructions, and behave sensibly as they explore and learn. They enjoy a stimulating outdoor area with equipment to inspire their learning. Children are encouraged to make choices and decisions.
  • Children get a good start in the safe pre-school environment. The curriculum is interesting and close liaison with the Reception class helps children progress towards the early learning goals. Children’s progress is carefully monitored. Children with low starting points make good, and in some cases rapid, progress towards these goals.
  • Teaching ensures that children understand the link between their phonics learning and writing skills. However, teaching is not providing enough opportunities for the most able children to practise their early writing skills and accelerate their progress.
  • Most children are ready for Year 1 because they achieve a good level of development. Where children do not achieve a good level of development, teachers ensure that important gaps in their learning are quickly filled, especially in phonics. The proportion of children achieving a good level of development has increased over time and is typically strong. However, fewer pupils attained this level in 2017.

School details

Unique reference number 113179 Local authority Devon Inspection number 10042677 This inspection of the school was carried out under section 5 of the Education Act 2005. Type of school Primary School category Community Age range of pupils 4 to 11 Gender of pupils Mixed Number of pupils on the school roll 219 Appropriate authority The governing body Chair John Martin Headteacher Sandy Brown (interim) Telephone number 01271 815485 Website Email address Date of previous inspection 7–8 January 2014

Information about this school

  • The school meets the government’s current floor standards, which are the minimum expectations for pupils’ attainment and progress in English and mathematics by the end of Year 6.
  • Kingsacre Primary School is smaller than the average-sized primary school. There are seven classes.
  • The proportion of pupils eligible for pupil premium funding is lower than the national average.
  • The proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is lower than the national average.

Information about this inspection

  • The inspection team visited classrooms to observe learning. Some of these visits were made jointly with the interim headteacher and headteacher designate. Inspectors observed pupils’ learning across the school.
  • The inspection team looked carefully at pupils’ work from all year groups and across a range of subjects.
  • The inspection team talked to pupils from different year groups about how they feel about school, how teachers help them with their learning and how the school keeps them safe.
  • The inspection team held discussions with school leaders, staff and members of the governing body. The inspectors also took into account responses to questionnaires completed by staff and pupils.
  • The inspection team looked at the school’s evaluation of its own performance, its improvement plan, and a number of key school policies and the minutes of meetings of the governing body. They also considered a range of documentation in relation to child protection, safeguarding, behaviour and attendance.
  • The inspectors listened to a selection of pupils read.
  • The inspectors took account of 103 responses to Ofsted’s online survey, Parent View, including a number of free-text responses. The inspectors also spoke to a number of parents during the inspection.

Inspection team

Mike Brady, lead inspector Her Majesty’s Inspector Mark Lees Ofsted Inspector