Langshott Primary School Ofsted Report

Full inspection result: Good

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Full report

What does the school need to do to improve further?

  • Improve the quality of teaching and raise pupils’ standards further by ensuring that:
    • all teachers make effective use of all available information about pupils’ learning and progress to provide work that is more closely matched to pupils’ needs and abilities
    • the most able pupils have challenging work
    • teachers explicitly show pupils how to construct their writing, for example by providing examples which illustrate the particular features of language and grammar that they want pupils to learn.

Inspection judgements

Effectiveness of leadership and management Outstanding

  • ‘Learning, Pride, Success’ are the core values that underpin the work of the school. Leaders have established a culture of learning in which staff and pupils are encouraged to take risks. Consequently, the quality of teaching is continually improving and pupils achieve well across all year groups.
  • Leaders and governors are highly ambitious and have high expectations for pupils and themselves. They are rigorous in their analysis of the school’s performance and take immediate steps to tackle weaknesses. They have ensured a smooth transition from infant to primary school while introducing a new national curriculum and new statutory assessment systems.
  • Leaders are reflective and are constantly reviewing and evaluating the work of the school to develop practice further. They work in close cooperation with staff and governors and have created a strong team of professionals who have excellent capacity to improve.
  • There is an extremely positive ethos within the school. Staff work exceptionally well together and are highly motivated. They respond positively to the high expectations of leaders because they feel respected and valued. They fully understand their role within the team and so make a highly positive contribution to the development of the school.
  • Through a planned programme of training and support, leaders have ensured that new staff quickly embrace the ethos and culture of the school. Consequently, all staff have a shared understanding of what the school is aiming to achieve and the part they have to play in its success.
  • Central to the success of leadership is the quality of coaching and mentoring. Teachers are encouraged to share their skills and improve the quality of their work. They visit other schools and attend courses to help them to become better teachers. Leaders visit classrooms formally as well as informally and they provide feedback so teachers’ skills are constantly refreshed.
  • Systems to manage teachers’ performance are rigorous. All teachers have targets that are closely linked to the outcomes pupils achieve. Leaders act decisively to tackle underperformance.
  • Subject leaders are highly trained and provide high-quality support to their colleagues. This has brought about rapid improvements to pupils’ learning and progress in reading, writing and mathematics. Teachers are becoming confident in teaching to the demands of the new curriculum.
  • School leaders are constantly checking on pupils’ progress. They introduced a new system of recording pupils’ progress so they know exactly which groups of pupils are not doing as well as they should. For example, they know that more needs to be done to accelerate the progress of the most able pupils and have put into place actions to address this. However, it is too early to see the impact of these changes in practice on pupils’ outcomes.
  • One of the strengths of the school is the way in which teachers provide rich learning experiences to capture pupils’ interest. During the inspection, pupils were taking part in a local history week. This provided plenty of opportunities for pupils to use literacy, numeracy and artistic skills across the curriculum. This experience also enhanced pupils’ understanding of British values, including democracy, tolerance and respect for others.
  • Pupils take part in a wide range of sporting activities, many of which have been introduced through the careful use of the primary sport premium. Some of the funding has been used to employ a specialist sports coach who works alongside teachers to improve their skills. Some has been spent providing additional sporting equipment as well as meeting the cost of transporting pupils to local competitions.
  • School leaders have reviewed the way in which the additional funding is used to support disadvantaged pupils. Each disadvantaged pupil has a specific plan identifying their barriers to learning and the actions staff are taking to support them. This has benefited this group of pupils so that they achieve equally as well as, or better than, other pupils.
  • Pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities make good progress. This is because the special needs funding is targeted to ensure that the support they receive meets their specific learning needs. Some of the funding has been used to appoint specialist staff who provide support in class and some is spent on specialist resources to help pupils to overcome their difficulties.
  • The majority of parents who responded to the online survey and made free-text comments were highly positive about the school’s leadership and management. This is reflected in the comment of one parent who wrote: ‘The leadership is very clear and impressive and continually striving for improvement. I would not hesitate to recommend this school and I am happy my son attends.’

Governance of the school

  • Governors are highly ambitious for the school and rightly proud of their role in overseeing its expansion. They have worked closely with leaders to recruit high-quality staff to take on new roles as the school has grown. Governors have supported the transition to the new leadership structure to accommodate the increased needs of a larger school. During the inspection, a group of governors helped the early years team to set up the classrooms in preparation for the new intake of Reception children.
  • Governors regularly visit school formally as well as informally and so they see for themselves how well the school is led and managed. They work in close cooperation with staff at all levels by gathering information at meetings and by analysing reports provided by subject leaders. Minutes from governors’ meetings show that they provide a high level of professional challenge to leaders, holding them to account for the quality of education.
  • Governors have an exceptionally good understanding of the school’s strengths and weaknesses. The headteacher provides them with extensive and comprehensive information about the school’s performance. This enables governors to ask pertinent questions that enable them to fully understand how well pupils are learning. Governors are very well organised and ensure that all statutory policies and procedures are reviewed and evaluated at the right time. They keep a close track of finances and other aspects of the school’s work.


  • The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Safeguarding pupils is given very high priority by staff and by governors. All staff have received comprehensive training that prepares them to identify when a child may be at risk from harm. All policies and procedures are completely up to date and are reviewed regularly. All adults who visit the school are carefully checked and governors have been trained to ensure that as new staff are appointed, the appropriate checks on their suitability to work with children have been made. Adults take pupils’ concerns seriously and consequently pupils trust adults to look after them and so they feel safe in school. Leaders work very effectively with outside agencies to ensure that those pupils who are at risk from harm receive appropriate support in a timely way.
  • Staff are very aware of the potential dangers associated with modern technology and have taught pupils about the need to be cautious when using tablets, smart phones and computers. Leaders have created a culture within school that ensures that all staff are highly diligent and understand their moral as well as legal role to keep pupils safe.

Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Good

  • The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is good and enables most pupils to achieve well across the school.
  • One of the strengths of teaching is the warm relationships that have already been established in classrooms. Pupils respect their teachers and are keen to contribute in class. Pupils listen carefully to each other and to teachers and so there is a very positive climate for learning. Pupils are confident in sharing their thoughts and ideas and enjoy responding to teachers’ challenging questions.
  • Teachers plan imaginative activities that inspire pupils and help them to learn. For example, in Year 6 pupils had visited a pill box and followed up this visit with a role play activity in which they acted out being home guards in the Second World War. This was especially effective in stimulating pupils’ imaginations in preparation for writing, as well as helping them to gain insight into different aspects of life during wartime in Britain.
  • Teachers are particularly skilled in asking questions that make pupils think. They probe pupils’ understanding and so deepen their learning. Teachers also ask questions that explore pupils’ misunderstandings and so help them to progress.
  • Teaching is carefully adapted to meet the needs of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. These pupils usually receive additional help from skilled teaching assistants who break the activities into smaller steps. Consequently, these pupils achieve particularly well.
  • Staff provide high-quality support for disadvantaged pupils and those who are vulnerable. These pupils have individual learning plans that identify their specific difficulties. Actions are then taken to address their needs, sometimes with the help of external professionals. Trained teaching assistants provide support for disadvantaged pupils in classrooms. This helps to build their confidence and learn equally as well as other pupils.
  • There are times when the work provided for pupils, particularly those who are most able, is too easy. This is because teachers do not make enough use of all available information when pupils change year groups. In some classes, pupils completed work that they had already done in their previous year group.
  • The pace of learning is sometimes too slow. This is because teachers do not routinely plan work that meets the needs of the different groups of pupils. This is most noticeable during the introduction to the lesson when all pupils have to listen to the teacher. Consequently, the most able pupils find the activities too easy and the least able pupils find the work is too hard.
  • Although some teachers make creative use of resources to stimulate pupils’ imaginations, this does not happen consistently across the school. In some classes, teachers do not provide pupils with enough help and support to help them to construct their writing. Consequently, pupils do not have a clear enough idea of how to write their sentences using correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding

Personal development and welfare

  • The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding. Pupils are provided with a very high quality of care and support and consequently they feel very safe in school. They say that staff listen to them and take their concerns seriously. Pupils feel very confident that adults in school have their best interests at heart.
  • Pupils are happy and enjoy school. They are very proud of their school and take on an increasing range of responsibilities as they get older. Year 6 pupils are particularly pleased to be the school’s first cohort in this year group, and know that the expectations for their attitudes and behaviour are high.
  • The school promotes pupils’ spiritual, moral, cultural and social development very effectively. Pupils are thoughtful, have an excellent understanding of right and wrong and show respect and consideration for the thoughts, beliefs and ideas of others. Staff encourage pupils to reflect on their learning so they develop highly positive attitudes to learning. For example, pupils know they have to be reflective and resilient and that they do not always get it right first time.
  • Pupils know that everyone is different and enjoy the opportunities they have to work and play alongside those from backgrounds different to their own. They say that staff treat all pupils equally and that discrimination on any grounds is not tolerated. They appreciate the rich diversity of the school community.
  • Pupils know how to keep themselves safe and have an excellent understanding of how to stay safe when using modern technology. They learn about dangers associated with tobacco and that some substances and non-medicinal drugs may be harmful.
  • Pupils know about different forms of bullying but they are adamant that it rarely happens in school. They have full confidence that staff will take immediate action should any incident arise.
  • Parents who responded to the survey or who made free-text comments agreed that the school provides a high quality of care for pupils. One parent wrote: ‘The school atmosphere is both lively and comfortable for the children who are encouraged to try new things. The culture of respect and resilience builds character and habits that will serve them well throughout their lives.’


  • The behaviour of pupils is outstanding. Pupils conduct themselves exceptionally well both in class and when moving around the school. As a result, the school provides a very calm and settled environment for learning. The breakfast club provides pupils with a healthy and nutritious start to the school day.
  • Throughout the school, pupils’ behaviour is impeccable. They are friendly and polite to each other and to adults. They hold doors open and show good manners to each other, listening and taking turns in conversation. The school’s records relating to behaviour show few serious incidents and all necessary steps being taken to resolve problems quickly. There have been few exclusions in recent years.
  • Lessons are rarely disrupted by poor behaviour. Staff have very high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and all apply the school’s behaviour policy consistently. Consequently, pupils know and understand what is expected of them and behave accordingly. The large majority of parents who responded to the online survey agreed that pupils’ behaviour was very well managed. Governors described pupils’ behaviour as ‘impeccable’.
  • Pupils’ attendance is above average. School leaders have worked with pupils and parents to encourage good attendance. They have been particularly successful in improving rates of attendance for disadvantaged pupils so that it is now the same as the national average.

Outcomes for pupils Good

  • Information provided by the school as well as work seen in pupils’ books shows that pupils currently in school, including disadvantaged pupils, make good progress across a range of subjects.
  • The proportion of pupils reaching the expected standard in the phonics screening check at the end of Year 1 has increased year on year and is now above average. Disadvantaged pupils achieve equally as well as other pupils.
  • In the national assessments at the end of key stage 1 in 2016, the proportion of pupils reaching and exceeding the expected standard in reading and writing was above average. It was below average in mathematics. Owing to actions taken by school leaders, attainment in mathematics improved substantially in 2017, with 90% of pupils reaching or exceeding the expected standard.
  • Disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities make good progress in a range of subjects. Some, particularly those with low starting points, make rapid progress because extra help and support are targeted at their specific learning needs. The most able disadvantaged pupils achieve equally as well as other pupils.
  • Pupils make good progress in reading so that by the beginning of Year 6, they have developed positive attitudes and have a range of skills that they draw upon to read unfamiliar texts. They respond to questions about their books in a thoughtful and mature manner. One pupil said, ‘I really love reading.’
  • The most able pupils do not always make as much progress as they could. This is because the work provided for them is sometimes too easy and does not offer enough challenge.
  • Pupils’ progress in writing is slower than in reading and mathematics. This is because they do not have enough practical help and support at an early enough stage. Some pupils still struggle with spelling and punctuation, and some teachers’ expectations for what pupils can do are not high enough.

Early years provision Outstanding

  • At the time of the inspection, children had not yet started school owing to a delay in completing the building work. Inspectors therefore spent time looking at children’s books and learning journeys from the previous year and they held discussions with Reception staff. They also visited the learning environment that staff had set up in preparation for the children’s arrival the following week. Inspectors took into account the assessment information recorded by the school.
  • Information from children’s work and assessment information shows that children get off to an exceptional start in the Reception classes and are very well prepared for Year 1. They make outstanding progress so that they have skills that are beyond those typically found for children of their age. This is reflected in the high number of children who have reached a good level of development.
  • Leaders use part of the pupil premium funding to provide disadvantaged children with a high level of support when starting school. This helps them to settle quickly and become confident learners. As a result, disadvantaged children make strong progress and attain in line with their peers.
  • The rapid progress seen in children’s books from the previous year points to outstanding teaching in the early years. Staff plan exciting activities in the delightful learning environment, which includes a woodland setting. The classrooms are bright, attractive and well furnished, with good-quality equipment, toys and books. All areas, including the outdoor area and woodland area, are used extensively for children to learn and play.
  • One of the strengths of the early years provision is the planned programme that takes place before children start school. Staff make home visits and they take photographs to help children to become familiar with and settle into their classrooms. Children visit their new setting and meet staff. They start school in groups so their experience is not too overwhelming. Staff provide a very high quality of care to help children to feel safe and secure.
  • The success of the early years is largely due to the highly effective leader. He has an excellent understanding of how young children learn and develop, and he is passionate and enthusiastic. He leads a highly committed team of teachers and support staff who share his drive and ambition. Staff work closely as a team and involve governors in their activities. Consequently, governors are very well informed about the quality of provision in the early years.

School details

Unique reference number Local authority Inspection number 125104 Surrey 10036929 This inspection of the school was carried out under section 5 of the Education Act 2005. Type of school Primary School category Age range of pupils Gender of pupils Community 4 to 11 Mixed Number of pupils on the school roll 403 Appropriate authority The governing body Chair Headteacher Telephone number Website Email address Claire Creed Sarah Mackintosh 01293 776341 Date of previous inspection 28 November 2011

Information about this school

  • The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website.
  • The school is much larger than most primary schools and there is provision for children in the early years in two Reception classes.
  • The school has undergone a substantial change since the previous inspection when it was an infant school catering for pupils aged four to seven. In September 2014, it developed into a primary school admitting pupils into Year 3. It became a fully-fledged primary school in September 2017, with the first cohort of Year 6 pupils.
  • In addition to an extensive building programme to accommodate the increase in pupil numbers, there has also been a considerable change to the staff team. The large majority of staff have joined the school since the previous inspection and the leadership team has undergone a complete restructure. The headteacher joined the school in November 2014 and the deputy headteacher joined the school the following year.
  • The large majority of pupils are of White British heritage and few speak English as an additional language. A lower than usual number of pupils are eligible for the pupil premium funding.
  • The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is lower than usual.

Information about this inspection

  • Inspectors observed pupils working in 22 lessons or parts of lessons, most of which were jointly observed with school leaders. They attended a singing assembly and they listened to pupils reading in Year 2 and Year 6. Inspectors looked at work in pupils’ books from the previous year.
  • Meetings were held with school leaders, teachers and groups of pupils. The lead inspector met with four governors, including the chair of the governing body and she held a telephone discussion with a representative from the local authority.
  • Among the documents scrutinised were school development plans, minutes from governors’ meetings and information relating to pupils’ learning and progress. Inspectors also looked at documents relating to pupils’ behaviour and attendance as well as information showing how the school keeps pupils safe.
  • The views of parents were taken into account by analysing the 71 responses to the online survey, Parent View. Inspectors also met informally with parents during the inspection. The views of staff were taken into account by analysing the 36 responses to the staff survey.

Inspection team

Joy Considine, lead inspector Peter Dunmall Graham Chisnell

Ofsted Inspector Ofsted Inspector Ofsted Inspector