Maghull High School Ofsted Report
Full inspection result: Requires Improvement
- Report Inspection Date: 25 Apr 2018
- Report Publication Date: 21 May 2018
- Report ID: 2774747
Full report
What does the school need to do to improve further?
- Build on the best practice within the school, continue to reduce the variability in teaching quality, and improve outcomes for pupils by improving consistency in the way in which:
- leaders at all levels make sure that agreed school policies, including those relating to the presentation of pupils’ work, are applied
- challenge is provided to pupils, including making best use of time spent in lessons, so that over time pupils make the best progress possible
- the reports of leaders to senior colleagues and governors make clear the impact of actions taken on the progress that pupils make in their learning.
Inspection judgements
Effectiveness of leadership and management Good
- Senior leaders and governors are clear and ambitious in their vision for the school. Consequently, they have put into place a range of policies and procedures which articulate clearly what needs to be done to raise the quality of teaching and pupils’ learning. However, because leaders at all levels have not always checked that these agreed policies have been put into practice, inconsistency remains in quality.
- Despite these inconsistencies, leadership is judged to be good because there have been strong improvements made in other key areas of the school’s work. Following the disappointment of the 2016 GCSE results, leaders enlisted the support and challenge of a local outstanding school to help secure improvement. Leaders have utilised this expertise well to raise aspirations, through good-quality continuing professional development (CPD), in relation to questioning for example. This CPD ensures that staff are equipped with the knowledge and skills to improve teaching and learning quality.
- As a result of good leadership, the gap between the progress of disadvantaged pupils and that of their non-disadvantaged peers continues to diminish rapidly. In addition, persistent absenteeism rates, including for disadvantaged pupils, are reducing markedly. Furthermore, leaders have strengthened further the already strong support for vulnerable pupils and brought about good improvements in teaching and learning in history and geography and in the overall quality of the 16 to 19 study programmes. All these play a key part in ensuring that pupils and students are prepared well for their next steps, be they in education, employment or training.
- The leadership of careers education, information, advice and guidance is strong. The aspirations of pupils are supported well, with an increasing number of disadvantaged pupils moving into sixth-form study. Nearly all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, transfer to education, employment or training.
- The school’s curriculum prepares pupils well for life in the modern world and promotes their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development well. Leaders, for example, insist that all pupils follow an examined course of religious education. Pupils spoken with were positive about the opportunities this provides for them to understand different religions, cultures and viewpoints. A range of extra-curriculum activity, including in dance and music, enables pupils to extend their enjoyment of learning. To strengthen opportunities for pupils to have a more in-depth understanding of subjects, leaders have decided from September 2018 to extend the length of key stage 3 from two to three years.
- Leaders use additional funding effectively, including the pupil premium, the Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium and special educational needs (SEN) funding. This has ensured that rates of progress for disadvantaged pupils have improved significantly since the previous inspection and continue to do so. Likewise, pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities make progress at least in line with that of other pupils at the school. Pupils in Year 7 who do not achieve the expected standard at the end of key stage 2 are helped to be ready by the time they reach Year 8.
Governance of the school
- Governance is strong. Governors fulfil their statutory duties. For example, they ensure that the arrangements for safeguarding pupils are robust by joining in with the training for staff.
- Members of the governing body have kept a close eye on the performance of pupils and subjects since the previous inspection and have been instrumental in securing the support of a local outstanding school. This is because they have a good understanding of information about the progress of pupils published nationally, as well as that produced by leaders.
- Leaders, including heads of department, are held to account well through providing regular updates to the governing body. Consequently, governors have a good understanding of the improvements that have been made and the inconsistencies that exist. They know the school well. Working with leaders, they ensure that the school’s priorities are correct. However, the reports of leaders to senior colleagues and governors do not always make clear the impact of the good actions taken on the progress that pupils make in their learning.
- Governors also have a good understanding of the school’s performance management arrangements and ensure that they are used rigorously.
- The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
- Regular training for staff and opportunities for pupils to learn about internet safety and to develop their social and emotional well-being (through the Phoenix Centre’s on-site provision for vulnerable pupils, for example), mean that there is a strong culture of safeguarding in the school.
- Staff are vigilant in identifying potential risks to pupils. Any concerns are reported clearly and acted upon swiftly. All pupils spoken with, plus the great majority of pupils who responded to the inspection questionnaire, were confident that they are safe and can speak to an adult in school if they have any concerns. Likewise, the great majority of parents and carers who responded were confident that their children were safe.
- Records detailing support for vulnerable pupils show that strong links are established with external agencies and parents and carers.
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Requires improvement
- The majority of parents who responded to Ofsted’s online survey, Parent View, were of the view that teaching at the school was good and that they received helpful information about their child’s progress. Likewise, the majority of pupils who responded to the inspection questionnaire or spoke to inspectors were of the view that teachers helped them to do their best and that they were challenged in their learning.
- Inspectors agree with these views in part. Helpful information is provided to parents. However, despite good improvements, teaching quality is too variable across key stages 3 and 4. The key reason for this variability is that agreed key school policies are not applied consistently.
- A key area of inconsistency across key stages 3 and 4 is the way pupils present their work. While most pupils take pride in their work and it is well organised, this is not the case for all. Where presentation is weak, pupils are careless in their spelling, grammar and punctuation and sometimes do not complete their work. Consequently, they sometimes find it difficult to recall what they have learned in their lessons and errors are repeated. Not all adults pick up on this standard of presentation as the agreed school policy demands. On the other hand, where teachers adhere to the policy, pupils are able to refer back to pieces of work several weeks and months later and talk confidently about what they had been learning.
- Some aspects of stronger teaching are evident in key stages 3 and 4 and this results in good and better learning for some pupils. Teachers’ subject knowledge is good. The questions they ask are probing. Where such questioning – in line with school policy – leads to pupils responding in full sentences, it helps develop well pupils’ oracy skills. Such good-quality questioning also assists pupils in their writing so that they provide well-reasoned answers to questions and problems. Responses of this quality are evident in history and geography, two subjects in which teaching and learning quality has improved. In history, for example, pupils were able to give responses that explained well their understanding of the actions of rulers, such as in the ‘harrying of the north’ by William the Conqueror. However, not all teachers use their good subject knowledge and questioning skills to draw out responses of such depth or quality.
- Leaders continue to be successful in diminishing the gap between the learning of disadvantaged pupils and that of their non-disadvantaged peers. Their efforts, which have included sharper assessments, have ensured that these pupils continue to make much better progress than they did in the past. Likewise, the support, including prompt interventions, provided to pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities both in and out of lessons is ensuring that they are making progress towards their goals.
- Leaders have ensured that teachers and other adults supporting learning have a wealth of information about pupils in their classes. Where teachers use this information effectively, pupils, regardless of ability, are set work that has high expectations of what they will do and learn. In a Year 8 music and a Year 7 physical education lesson, for example, pupils were fully on task, building on skills grasped earlier. Pupils made good progress in creating a two-part dance track with contrasting sections and honing different jumping skills respectively. No time was wasted and pupils sustained their motivation to learn. Sometimes, though, pupils complete work they can do already, meaning that time is not used to challenge pupils to develop a deeper understanding.
Personal development, behaviour and welfare Good
Personal development and welfare
- The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is good. Pupils are positive about school and the opportunities presented to them. They are smart in their appearance and polite, confident individuals.
- Pupils who spoke with inspectors and the great majority of those who completed the inspection questionnaire reported that they could approach an adult in school if they had any problems or concerns. Pupils are confident that bullying is rare, but that when it does occur, it is dealt with swiftly.
- Pupils spoke confidently to inspectors about keeping themselves safe, including when using social media, and the support offered to them to help them do so, through assemblies and tutor time, for example.
- A range of support is provided to pupils, including those who are vulnerable or who have emotional needs. The Phoenix Centre, for example, which also involves parents and families, is viewed positively by pupils as a place to talk through problems, while the opportunities for meditation promote a healthy body and mind.
- The curriculum instils in pupils a strong sense of tolerance and respect. In this predominately White British school, Year 8 and Year 9 pupils articulated well their understanding of different faiths and cultures. Year 11 pupils, typical of other year groups, were clear that derogatory language is not tolerated.
- On occasion, pupils do not present their work as neatly as they are able.
- Good arrangements exist to support the transition of pupils from primary school to Year 7. Pupils in Year 7 reported that they had been supported well and had enjoyed the opportunities to attend the summer school. The information gained from the large number of primary schools that feed into the school is used well to ensure that teachers and other adults have a good understanding of the needs of pupils, including those who are vulnerable or who have SEN and/or disabilities.
- The behaviour of pupils is good.
- Pupils behave well in lessons and around school, although, on occasion, they are not always attentive to their teachers or each other.
- The attendance of pupils is above average. Improvement has been sustained since the previous inspection for all pupils, those who are disadvantaged and those who have SEN and/or disabilities. Likewise, there has been a marked reduction in the numbers of pupils who are persistently absent.
- Fixed-term exclusions are low and permanent exclusions rare. The very small number of pupils in alternative provision are supported well. The school ensures that their behaviour and welfare are given high priority by the alternative provider.
Outcomes for pupils Requires improvement
- The promised improvements in the rates of pupils’ progress reported in the previous inspection were not realised. As a result, in 2016, pupils in Year 11 did not always get the grades of which they were capable. Their rates of progress were well below the national average overall.
- However, while still below average in 2017, the improvements in pupils’ progress rates brought about by leaders from 2016 to 2017, including for disadvantaged pupils, were significant. While GCSE results for 2016 and 2017 are not directly comparable, the proportion of pupils attaining a grade 4 or 5 (previously grade C) in both English and mathematics GCSE was higher in 2017 than in the previous year.
- Improvements are continuing at a pace, including in English and mathematics; however, the rates of progress made by current pupils, including the most able, are variable, including within subjects. Nevertheless, rates of pupils’ progress in subjects such as history and geography – subjects where leaders have focused on improvement
- are improving well.
- Pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities make progress at least in line with that of other pupils at the school because of the good support they receive. They are equipped well for the next stages of their education or training.
- The catch-up funding to support Year 7 pupils who did not achieve the expected standard in reading or mathematics at the end of key stage 2 is used effectively so that most pupils have developed the skills they need to access the curriculum by the time they reach Year 8.
- The pupil premium funding has been and continues to be used effectively to support the learning and personal development of disadvantaged pupils. This is evident in the marked improvement in the progress that disadvantaged Year 11 pupils made in 2017 compared with those in 2016. The improvements are also evident in the performance of disadvantaged pupils currently at the school. Consequently, while their progress requires improvement because of the inconsistencies in teaching quality, disadvantaged pupils are catching up with other pupils nationally.
- The very small number of pupils in alternative provision made progress similar to that of their peers in school.
- With their good personal and social development and increasing skills in a range of subjects, pupils are well prepared for the next stage in their education. The proportion of pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, entering education, employment or training at the end of Year 11 is above average.
16 to 19 study programmes Good
- The quality of the 16 to 19 study programmes has improved since the previous inspection. This is because, unlike in key stages 3 and 4, there is greater consistency in the quality of teaching and, as a result, there are stronger outcomes for students.
- Leaders have high expectations and know their students well. They have responded to the changing needs of students over time by providing courses that better meet their needs and widen opportunities for them to progress in their learning and also in their career and higher education ambitions. As with pupils in key stages 3 and 4, students are provided with good levels of advice, guidance and support, which helps them to make informed choices about the opportunities available to them. As a result, retention levels are high and all students in 2017 progressed to education, training or employment.
- Historically, vocational courses have performed better than A-level courses. Current students on vocational courses are continuing the trend of making good progress in their learning. Those studying A levels, including the most able students, also make good progress – an improved picture from previous years.
- Students behave and attend regularly and have positive, mature attitudes to learning. Their personal development and well-being are promoted well, including how they can keep themselves safe. They are overwhelmingly positive about the support given on entry to Year 12, guidance on managing their workloads and the opportunities afforded to them.
- Students who enter Year 12 without at least a grade 4 (formerly grade C) in mathematics make strong progress towards achieving their goal. Progress for those re-sitting English is improving.
School details
Unique reference number Local authority Inspection number 137520 Sefton 10045915 This inspection of the school was carried out under section 5 of the Education Act 2005. Type of school Secondary comprehensive School category Age range of pupils Gender of pupils Gender of pupils in 16 to 19 study programmes Number of pupils on the school roll Of which, number on roll in 16 to 19 study programmes Academy converter 11 to 18 Mixed Mixed 918 156 Appropriate authority The governing body Chair Headteacher Telephone number Website Email address Geoff Howe Mark Anderson 08444 773438 Date of previous inspection 8 June 2016
Information about this school
- The school meets the government’s current floor standards.
- The proportion of disadvantaged students supported by the pupil premium funding is just above the national average.
- The proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is broadly average. The proportion of pupils who have a statement of special educational needs or an education, health and care plan is below the national average.
- The school uses alternative provision for a very small number of pupils at Evolve in Knowsley local authority.
- The school has brokered support from Range High School, an outstanding school in Formby.
Information about this inspection
- Inspectors held meetings with school leaders, members of staff, three members of the governing body (including the chair), a representative of the local schools network, and groups of pupils representing all year groups at the school.
- Inspectors examined a range of supporting documentation, such as the school’s self-evaluation, the school’s improvement plan, the school’s assessment information, the school’s pupil premium plan, minutes of governing body meetings, attendance and behaviour records, and safeguarding documentation.
- Inspectors considered responses to the Ofsted online questionnaires. There were 36 responses from parents, plus two letters, 40 responses from staff and 89 from pupils.
- Inspectors conducted learning walks and visits to lessons across a range of subjects and year groups. On most of these visits, they were accompanied by school leaders. As part of these visits, pupils’ work in books and files was scrutinised.
Inspection team
Mark Williams, lead inspector David Hampson Julie Bather Emma Gregory
Ofsted Inspector Ofsted Inspector Ofsted Inspector Her Majesty’s Inspector