Moor Park High School and Sixth Form Ofsted Report

Full inspection result: Requires Improvement

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Full report

What does the school need to do to improve further?

  • Embed changes to improve outcomes and ensure that all pupils make good progress by:
    • eradicating inconsistency in the quality of teaching across a range of subjects, including in science
    • making sure that all teachers use assessment information to set tasks which match pupils’ capabilities, especially the most able

insisting that all teachers provide the correct support and challenge for pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities

  • removing variation in the outcomes of disadvantaged pupils, so that they make the progress they should in all subjects.

Inspection judgements

Effectiveness of leadership and management Good

  • The standard of education provided by the school declined significantly after the last inspection and the examination results of Year 11 pupils in 2017 fell below the government’s current floor standard. The school has appointed a new headteacher and this has galvanised school leaders. Pupils and staff describe the school as ‘transformed’. Senior leaders promote a clear and uncompromising vision for the school’s pupils, with a focus on high aspirations and care, which are supported by sensible and effective actions. As a result, the standard of education provided at the school is improving.
  • Senior leaders have a clear understanding of the school’s strength and its priorities for improvement. They plan carefully and strategically. Actions are linked to identified weaker aspects, such as the current variability in pupils’ progress, with clear systems in place to evaluate whether they are effective or need adjusting.
  • Middle leadership has strengthened since the appointment of the new headteacher and is good. The subject leaders with whom inspectors met demonstrated a clear understanding of the school’s vision. They echoed senior leaders’ determination to improve the quality of teaching and pupils’ outcomes rapidly and securely. They are aware of where there is too much variability at present, such as the quality of teaching and assessment in science, and have plans in place to eradicate this inconsistency.
  • The new headteacher has invested more resources in teachers’ professional development than was the case previously. Accordingly, staff say that leaders have established a culture of professional development across the school, which has brought about improvements in the quality of teaching recently. When they met with inspectors, leaders demonstrated a secure understanding of what effective teaching looks like, and they accurately identified the priorities required to improve it further. Training and support is securing more consistency in the quality of teaching and assessment than was the case previously, although variability remains.
  • Leaders ensure that pupils follow a range of subjects and learning experiences that meet their needs and ambitions. The pupils’ curriculum includes academic, arts, technical and sporting subjects at key stage 3. Pupils’ choices at key stage 4 include GCSE and vocational courses and are well designed to prepare them well for the next stage of their education and careers. School leaders provide a careers guidance programme, which is planned effectively. It includes links with local universities, whose representatives visit the school regularly and raise pupils’ aspirations.
  • School leaders have recently extended the range of cultural, creative and sporting activities that take place beyond lessons. Leaders effectively provide opportunities for all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or have SEN and/or disabilities, to participate in these experiences. The school production of ‘Hairspray’ took place at the time of the inspection and was well supported by pupils, parents and carers.
  • The school’s use of the additional funding for disadvantaged pupils is more effective than was the case previously, because of a sharp focus and strengthened leadership in this area. The effectiveness of actions to support the good progress of disadvantaged pupils is monitored, evaluated and refined regularly. As a result, leaders’ plans are having greater impact than previously, although leaders accurately identify overcoming the remaining inconsistencies in the progress of these pupils as a priority. They have given attention to improving the attendance of these pupils. Consequently, their attendance is improving, although it is not in line with that of others.
    • Leaders use the funding for pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities effectively. The support for pupils with an education, health and care plan is closely matched to their specific requirements. These pupils generally follow a broad and balanced curriculum and make good progress. Leaders have plans in place to eradicate the variation in the quality of the teaching that pupils with in-school support plans currently receive. Actions to increase the attendance of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities, which was too low previously, are proving effective and the attendance rate of these pupils is improving.
    • Leaders plan and evaluate the use of Year 7 catch-up funding effectively. Pupils receive a range of support measures well matched to their literacy and/or numeracy requirements. Accordingly, most of these pupils catch up with others by the end of Year 7.
    • Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is a strength of the school because it is led effectively. Pupils are prepared well for life in modern Britain and learn about their rights and responsibilities. They develop a strong sense of community through their learning at the school.

Governance of the school

  • Governance is effective. Governors, including those who have recently been appointed, know the school well and demonstrate the capacity to support its further improvement. For example, the recruitment process for the recently appointed headteacher was rigorous. Governors went through several sets of interviews before the current headteacher was appointed. They were determined that the successful candidate should meet their ambitious vision for the school. Governors understand their strategic role in setting high expectations for staff, including senior leaders. They provide well-informed support and challenge.


  • The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
  • Staff, including non-teaching staff, are trained in identifying potential risks to pupils. Their awareness of potential risks is regularly maintained and kept up to date. Staff know pupils well and are vigilant. Consequently, there is a strong culture of safeguarding.
  • School leaders work effectively with parents and external agencies and act swiftly when required. Checks made by inspectors demonstrated that referrals, such as those of pupils at risk of radicalisation, are followed up in a robust manner and that record-keeping is good.
  • Leaders maintain good-quality safeguarding records. There are systematic procedures for checking the backgrounds of staff when they are appointed.
  • Leaders ensure that pupils have a clear understanding of the risks which might affect them and how to keep safe, including online. Pupils know to whom they should report concerns and how to do this.

Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Requires improvement

  • School leaders have challenged weaker teaching effectively since the appointment of the new headteacher and, as a result, it is stronger than was the case previously. Despite this, teaching is not consistently good enough to ensure that all pupils make the progress they should. Variability remains across all subjects and between different year groups. For example, teaching in English and mathematics is generally stronger than in science, but there is inconsistency in all these areas.
  • Senior leaders have made the teaching of literacy a high priority at the school. Accordingly, teachers routinely plan work that challenges pupils to speak, read and write. Despite variation in the effectiveness of teachers’ activities, the focus on strengthening pupils’ literacy is having a positive impact. Pupils’ extended writing is improving, as are their spelling, punctuation and grammar, because they are provided with opportunities to practise and improve these aspects.
  • Information provided by school leaders showed that pupils’ reading, including that of pupils with strong starting points, has improved significantly this year. When provided with the opportunity to speak with depth and confidence, for example by well-planned questioning, pupils develop strong speaking skills. However, at other times, teachers do not ask pupils questions that require them to respond at a high enough standard.
    • Teachers do not routinely use information that they have about pupils to plan work at the correct level. Pupils often complete the same work as their peers, regardless of their starting points or understanding. Pupils with high starting points are too often not challenged to allow them to make consistently good progress and improve their attainment. Senior leaders accurately identify this as an aspect requiring improvement and were able to demonstrate the first signs of the positive impact of their plans to achieve this. Inspectors saw that the most able Year 11 pupils in English and mathematics are making stronger progress than previously. However, the progress rates of the most able pupils in other Year 11 subjects remains variable.
  • Regular assessment of pupils’ learning is helping leaders monitor and evaluate pupils’ progress more effectively than was the case previously. Leaders accurately identify those pupils who have fallen behind and support them in catching up. They have identified pupils who have not made the progress that they should in previous years, because of poor or inconsistent teaching, for example in science. Consequently, despite some remaining inconsistencies, these pupils are making better progress than previously, because gaps in their learning are known and are being addressed.
  • Senior leaders have taken effective action to ensure that pupils are routinely taught by staff with good subject knowledge. Pupils say that before the new headteacher arrived, staff absence and turnover was high. This is no longer the case and pupils say that they are learning more quickly and securely than previously.
  • Inspectors saw examples of homework that pupils are set. Homework is set regularly and the work is usually of an appropriate standard.
  • School leaders provided inspectors with copies of reports that they send home to parents. These documents contain clear and useful information about pupils’ recent outcomes, strengths and main areas for improvement.

Personal development, behaviour and welfare Good

Personal development and welfare

  • The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is good.
  • School leaders have successfully instilled a culture of aspiration and confidence since the appointment of the new headteacher. This was clearly visible in the pupils whom inspectors met during the inspection. They were typically courteous and demonstrated a zest for life and learning.
    • Leaders’ plans to support the pastoral transition of pupils from primary school are effective. Staff gather information that supports pupils’ transition to secondary school, including about those who have SEN and/or disabilities, and they share this effectively. The Year 7 pupils with whom inspectors spoke were positive about the school.
    • Leaders recognise their responsibility for pupils’ mental and physical health. They take steps to ensure that these aspects are effectively promoted through pupils’ learning, healthy-eating options and support services. Staff know pupils well and are trained to identify any signs that a pupil’s emotional well-being may be at risk. Leaders provide a range of support measures for these pupils, including an on-site counselling service.
    • Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is good. Leaders plan and review opportunities for pupils to learn about fundamental British values and other faiths and cultures regularly. As a result, pupils value differences and respect views different from their own. The pupils who spoke with inspectors were clear that racism and homophobia have no place at the school.
    • School leaders manage effectively the personal development and welfare of the small number of pupils who attend alternative provision.


  • The behaviour of pupils is good.
  • Leaders, including the recently appointed headteacher, are consistently visible in and around the school and have quickly established positive relationships with, and high expectations of, pupils. Pupils say that incidents of poor behaviour are rare. Consequently, far fewer pupils are excluded than was the case previously. The headteacher and other leaders have taken swift and effective action to eliminate any instances of fighting that occurred previously. Pupils say that fighting no longer has a place in the school’s culture.
  • Leaders ensure that the school’s facilities are accessible to pupils and are well maintained. Accordingly, pupils treat the school environment with respect and do not leave litter lying around. At break, lunchtime and at the change of lessons, pupils move around the school in an orderly manner and they arrive punctually at lessons.
  • Pupils’ attendance overall has improved since the arrival of the new headteacher. Overall, it is now in line with the national average. Systems recently introduced by school leaders have been effective in encouraging disadvantaged pupils and those who have SEN and/or disabilities who have been persistently absent in the past to attend school more regularly. Leaders are sharply focused on improving that attendance of these pupils so that it matches that of others.
  • Most pupils behave well in lessons. The pupils with whom inspectors spoke said that behaviour in lessons has improved significantly since the arrival of the new headteacher. Leaders promote a culture of high expectations effectively, so pupils have positive attitudes to learning, bring the correct equipment and take pride in their work. However, a few lose concentration when teaching is not pitched appropriately.
    • School leaders manage effectively the attendance, behaviour and safeguarding of the small number of pupils who attend alternative provision.

Outcomes for pupils Requires improvement

  • Pupils’ examination results in 2017 did not meet the government’s current minimum floor standard. In English, mathematics, science and some other subjects, they were significantly lower than those of others nationally. Pupils’ results were better in humanities subjects and they attained grades that were at least in line with the national average.
  • Inspectors’ analysis of pupils’ current work showed that their progress is better than it was in 2017. More pupils are working at the level expected of their age and starting point. However, the progress that pupils make requires improvement, because variation remains across and between departments. Pupils generally make stronger progress in mathematics and English than they do in science. However, inconsistencies remain in all areas.
  • The outcomes of the most able pupils across a range of subjects in 2017 were significantly below those of others nationally. Despite stronger outcomes for some of the most able current pupils, including in Year 11 English and mathematics, their progress remains variable within and between subjects and year groups, including in Year 7. This is because teachers do not routinely set the most able pupils work that challenges them.
  • Outcomes for disadvantaged pupils require improvement. They made significantly less progress in examinations in 2017 than others nationally. Work seen by inspectors shows that school leaders are accurate in saying that the differences in attainment between current disadvantaged pupils and others are diminishing. However, this improvement is not yet consistent across subjects and year groups.
  • Pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities make variable progress. These pupils generally make the progress that they should where teachers use the information provided by school leaders to set the appropriate level of work or ensure that the support that they provide is well matched to pupils’ needs. However, school leaders accurately say that this is not consistently the case, so some pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities do not make good progress.
  • Leaders monitor the outcomes of the small number of pupils who attend alternative provision effectively. Consequently, these pupils make good progress in the alternative-provision courses that they follow.
    • The proportion of pupils who progress to further education, employment or training is in line with the national average. However, because of weak examination results previously, pupils do not consistently move on to the higher qualifications of which they are capable.

16 to 19 study programmes Outstanding

  • Teaching in the sixth form is excellent, which ensures a standard of education that is better than in the rest of the school. Sixth-form leaders and teachers have high expectations, are experienced and are vigilant in ensuring that the excellent outcomes that pupils have previously reached are sustained. Consequently, students benefit from an outstanding education which enables them to move on to further success when they leave.
  • The sixth form is small by national standards, but numbers are growing because of its strong reputation locally. Students join Year 12 from a range of local schools. The students with whom inspectors spoke say that the excellent support that they are given means they are pleased with their decision to join the sixth form.
  • Students’ outcomes are outstanding, including those of disadvantaged students and those who have SEN and/or disabilities. Students’ A-level and Level 3 vocational qualification results are significantly above those of others nationally, including at grades A*-B at A level. Students from all starting points, including those who have attained the highest GCSE grades, and from the different schools from which the sixth form draws them, make progress well above that of others nationally.
  • Students make outstanding progress because of the consistently high standard of teaching. Teaching in the sixth form has not suffered the instability experienced in other areas of the school since the last inspection. Consequently, teachers have high levels of specialist knowledge and they deploy this expertly, to inspire students and push them to high levels of achievement in academic and vocational subjects.
  • Teachers and leaders know students well. They assess, monitor and evaluate students’ learning expertly and regularly. Teachers use this information effectively. For example, in the few cases where students make slower progress than they should, teachers spot this quickly and provide personalised support to overcome barriers to learning. As a result, students excel, including the most able.
  • Leaders accurately say that the curriculum reflects their vision of an inclusive sixth form. Accordingly, the courses that are provided cater for students with different starting points and plans. Students can choose A-level courses, including university-facilitating subjects or vocational qualifications. All courses, whether academic or vocational, are taught and led expertly, and prepare students to move on to their next steps effectively.
  • Leaders ensure that the students’ curriculum is a rich experience. It meets all requirements of the 16 to 19 study programmes. Students’ personal development and work experience are planned and assessed carefully. Consequently, they are of a consistently high standard.
  • Careers guidance is a strength of the sixth form. Disadvantaged pupils, pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities and those who do not have a family tradition of university education are supported especially effectively. In 2017, all students progressed to next steps in education or employment. The overwhelming majority chose to continue their education at university, including a significant proportion of students at Russell Group universities.
  • Students who re-sit GCSE English and/or mathematics make better progress than others nationally. A favourable proportion of current students who have retaken examinations in these qualifications in the sixth form have already attained a good pass.
  • Students’ behaviour and attendance are excellent. Rates of retention are high. Few students do not complete the courses that they start, because of the personalised and high-quality study programmes that they follow.
  • Safeguarding is highly effective in the sixth form. Students are well prepared for adulthood.
  • Students who met with inspectors were extremely positive about all aspects of the sixth form. They spoke with integrity and maturity and represented leaders’ aspirational vision very credibly.

School details

Unique reference number Local authority Inspection number 119773 Lancashire 10045175 This inspection of the school was carried out under section 5 of the Education Act 2005. Type of school Secondary Comprehensive School category Age range of pupils Gender of pupils Gender of pupils in 16 to 19 study programmes Number of pupils on the school roll Of which, number on roll in 16 to 19 study programmes Foundation 11 to 18 Mixed Mixed 569 54 Appropriate authority The governing body Chair Headteacher Telephone number Website Email address Karen Lund Benjamin Corbett 01772 795 428

Date of previous inspection 10 11 September 2014

Information about this school

  • The school does not meet the government’s current floor standards, which are the minimum expectations for pupils’ attainment and progress by the end of Year 11.
  • The proportion of disadvantaged students is well above the national average.
  • The proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is in line with the national average. The proportion of pupils who have a statement of SEN or an education, health and care plan is in line with the national average.
  • The school uses alternative provision for a small number of pupils at Preston Vocational Centre.

Information about this inspection

  • Meetings took place with school leaders, teachers, members of the governing body and a representative of the local authority.
  • Discussions were held with pupils to gather their views on a variety of issues, including safeguarding, bullying, behaviour, teaching, careers guidance and the curriculum.
  • Inspectors examined a range of the school’s documentation such as self-evaluation, the improvement plan, assessment information, the pupil premium plan, minutes of governing body meetings, attendance and behaviour records and safeguarding information.
  • Inspectors considered eight responses to the Ofsted online parents’ questionnaire, Parent View, and 44 responses to the Ofsted online staff questionnaire.
  • Inspectors conducted learning walks and lesson observations across a range of subjects and year groups. They were accompanied by school leaders on some of these observations of teaching and learning.
  • Inspectors scrutinised the work in pupils’ books by undertaking a work analysis with school leaders.

Inspection team

Stephen Ruddy, lead inspector Tracey Greenough David Roberts

Ofsted Inspector Ofsted Inspector Ofsted Inspector