Kestrels' Field Primary School Ofsted Report

Full inspection result: Good

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Full report

What does the school need to do to improve further?

  • Accelerate pupils’ progress in mathematics, especially for the most able and the most able disadvantaged pupils, by:
    • ensuring that teachers consistently provide more opportunities for pupils to develop reasoning skills and deepen understanding
    • ensuring that teachers more swiftly identify when pupils are ready to move on to more challenging tasks.
  • Further refine leaders’ use of information about pupils to sharpen actions for improvement.

Inspection judgements

Effectiveness of leadership and management Good

  • The headteacher has used her considerable experience to skilfully guide and develop talented staff to become highly effective leaders. This leaves a strong legacy and platform for future improvement upon her imminent retirement.
  • The headteacher and leadership team have effectively implemented wide-ranging actions to secure significant improvement since the last inspection. This has been against a backdrop of considerable change and upheaval, including considerable remodelling of buildings and expansion to a split site in January 2016.
  • Senior leaders are ensuring that middle leaders are provided with support and challenge. They are now an integral part of monitoring and development. They have a clear understanding of their roles and recent effective training has quickly impacted in giving them the confidence to make a significant contribution to the capacity of the school to continue to improve.
  • Leaders have ensured that performance management is rigorous and that identified actions for improvements to teaching are followed through and supported by highly effective coaching and training, using both internal and external expertise. School leaders know where teaching is strongest and where support is still required and use this information well to ensure that at least good progress is sustained for all pupils.
  • Leaders have a clear and consistent focus on improving teaching and learning and have been successful in engaging the whole staff in their vision and endeavour. They engage proactively with highly effective support, challenge and training that has been provided and signposted by the local authority. Equally, leaders seek out ideas and training opportunities themselves to address identified issues. The strengths in phonics teaching and teaching writing are as a direct result of this culture of improvement.
  • Leaders’ development of assessment and tracking across the school has been another central focus since the last inspection. Although this has improved significantly since the last inspection, assessment information still needs to be more succinctly analysed and communicated to sharply focus planned improvement actions, in order to continue to sustain and build on improvements further.
  • The quality of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural education is evident in their positive attitudes to their work and how well they get on together. Interesting and active learning is clearly evident across the school. The school has placed particular emphasis on using international themes to develop pupils’ wider world awareness and also ensures that music, art, and design and technology are integral. Examples of work are carefully displayed around the school, showing that these are highly valued by all, and the care with which pupils have drawn, painted and constructed these items shows sensitive responses and pride.
  • Pupils celebrate the fundamental British values of democracy through elections to the school council, being play pals and opportunities to put forward their ideas. Pupils show tolerance and respect towards adults and classmates and develop an understanding of other cultures, recent examples being finding out about and celebrating Chinese New Year, and Year 6 leading an assembly about Eid. Pupils show an appreciation of service to others through a range of charitable activities.
  • Leaders effectively use pupils’ progress meetings to plan effectively for disadvantaged pupils, those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, and pupils with English as a second language. As a result, these pupils make at least as good progress as their peers.
  • Leaders use the additional pupil premium funding effectively. Direct adult support within the classroom and for specific interventions, including pastoral support, is carefully targeted to improve the outcomes of disadvantaged pupils. Leaders have ensured that this group of pupils have every chance to participate and be successful in all aspects of timetabled and extra-curricular activities.
  • Leaders use the additional funds from the primary physical education and sport premium to good effect. They have ensured that teachers have worked alongside coaches to improve their teaching and coaching skills. Pupils have many opportunities to take part in a range of sports and competitions, including gymnastics, basketball, dance and rugby.

Governance of the school

  • Governance has strengthened considerably since the last inspection, with ambition for and commitment to the school being very clear. Members share the determination of school leaders to secure high-quality education for all pupils.
  • Governors have a secure understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for development, particularly the need to improve the quality of teaching and progress for all pupils. Minutes from governing body meetings and reports illustrate their ability to ask school leaders challenging questions.
  • The governing body is well organised and uses governors’ range of skills and expertise well to test out and check the wide range of information they receive. Although this allows them to hold school leaders effectively to account to improve outcomes for all pupils, increased precision of information is needed to secure sharper identification of next steps.
  • Governors know their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and the use of the pupil premium and physical education and sport premium. They support how the headteacher uses the management of teachers’ performance to hold staff accountable for effective teaching and pupils’ outcomes.


  • The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. There are clear systems and procedures in place. Leaders keep precise records to ensure effective and timely work with external agencies. Staff and governors receive relevant training and updates, including on radicalisation and extremism. Staff know how to report and who to report to and are vigilant and confident in doing this.
  • The culture of safeguarding in the school is evident in children feeling safe and parents’ confidence in this. Learning about how to keep safe is woven into pupils’ learning across the school curriculum, including knowing how to keep themselves safe online and personal safety, and Year 6 take part in workshops to understand how to deal with such issues as peer pressure as part of their preparation for secondary school.

Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Good

  • Since the previous inspection there has been a significant improvement in the quality of teaching. Leaders have successfully raised staff’s expectations of what pupils can achieve. As a result, inspectors’ observations in lessons, detailed work scrutiny and analysis of current school assessment information show that, overall, pupils are now making good progress.
  • Teachers know their pupils’ learning needs well. This is because they ask questions during lessons, which effectively check pupils’ understanding and they use this to correct misconceptions. As a result, pupils remain focused on learning and know what they need to do to improve.
  • Leaders ensure that teachers use assessment consistently to accurately plan what pupils need to learn next in reading, writing and mathematics. Although this is done successfully for all pupils, the most able pupils are not routinely moved on quickly enough from consolidating their learning to applying it to more challenging problems. As a result, these pupils do not make sufficiently rapid progress.
  • In their writing and their reading, pupils are taught to use their well-developed knowledge of phonics to spell or pronounce tricky or unusual words. This helps them to write and read with fluency from an early age. Teachers and teaching assistants used opportunities well for reading within a range of observed lessons, enabling pupils to widen their understanding and vocabulary. During lessons, pupils were confident to read from their work to inspectors. Inspectors also heard a range of readers from Years 1, 2, 4 and 6 who were keen to read and were able to use strategies appropriate to their age to read confidently and discuss what they were reading and their favourite authors.
  • Writing is taught highly effectively across the school through interesting topics. Teachers consistently use a ‘novel study’ approach, in line with school policy, which ensures that pupils make good connections between reading, creative writing and guided use of their grammar and punctuation. For example, Year 2 pupils were planning carefully to use their senses to vividly describe a dragon’s lair. Teachers across the school ensure that pupils use ‘fix-it’ time to follow through on feedback. Peer and self-assessment is also a consistent feature, in line with school policy.
  • Following the appointment of an experienced and highly skilled mathematics leader at the beginning of this academic year, there have been recent rapid improvements in teachers’ confidence and clarity in teaching of mathematical concepts and skills. Rigorous monitoring, supported by effective training, has secured consistent implementation of effective strategies and approaches. This has had an immediate impact on pupils’ progress, by securely building skills and understanding at least in line with age-related expectations.
  • In Year 2, pupils were seen to be confidently using division to solve problems, with groups of pupils working on different levels of challenge, supported by appropriate apparatus. They showed an understanding of how division linked back to their work on multiplication. In Year 6, pupils were using their knowledge of medians to solve the complex problem of calculating the teacher’s age, if they knew the mean age of the class, number of children and how many children were aged 10.
  • Despite generally high expectations, books and observations showed that teachers usually expect pupils to work through all examples, even if they can already do it. Opportunities to apply skills and reasoning to more challenging tasks in other classes are not as consistently strong as in Year 2 and Year 6. This means that pupils are not always moved on quickly enough to challenge, in order to make the rapid progress of which they are capable.
  • Teachers effectively plan teaching assistants’ work. Teaching assistants across the school show good knowledge in relation to the concepts and skills that they are supporting pupils to understand. They consistently use questioning well to check and develop pupils’ independent understanding. Pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities and disadvantaged pupils receive support which effectively promotes their good academic and personal progress.
  • Teachers’ marking of pupils’ work is consistent with the school policy across the school, including following up on feedback in ‘fix-it’ time. Although pupils in all years present their work well, they are not always self-disciplined in checking for careless errors before handing in work.

Personal development, behaviour and welfare Good

Personal development and welfare

  • The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is good. The strong ethos of respect and care, to fulfil the stated school purpose of pupils ‘Being the best they can be’, is evident in all aspects of school life.
  • The school places particular importance on mutual respect and care. In a key stage 2 assembly, pupils were able to sensitively explain the importance of respecting customs of different cultures and religions. Pupils enjoy taking on responsibilities, such as being members of the school council and playtime pals. Pupils who use the school breakfast club enjoy their time with their peers and are well prepared for the start of the school day.
  • Pupils work well together, listening respectfully to teachers and each other. Peer discussion and sharing of ideas is a consistent feature in line with school policy. Pupils take pride in their work. However, pupils occasionally lack confidence in tackling difficult tasks and formulating strategies to work things through for themselves.
  • Pupils understand how to keep themselves safe and feel very safe in school. They know who to speak to in school if they have any worries. They understand the different forms of bullying, including cyber bullying, and how to keep themselves safe in a range of situations. Pupils said that bullying is rare, but were clear on what to do if it did occur.
  • The vast majority of parents who spoke to inspectors and responded to Parent View were very positive about the support their children receive. They are rightly confident that their children are happy and safe.


  • The behaviour of pupils is good. Pupils show courtesy and consideration towards each other and adults, including visitors in the school.
  • Pupils have positive attitudes to learning and enjoy coming to school. Pupils behave well in class and around the school and interruptions to learning are rare. Pupils enjoy receiving rewards, such as headteacher awards, star of the week and golden time, but understand the school sanctions. They take responsibility for their actions and choices, due to a strong ethos of respect and citizenship.
  • The school takes appropriate action to improve attendance and this is being effective in reducing persistent absence for disadvantaged pupils. However, leaders know they need to maintain stringent actions to at least sustain attendance close to national averages.

Outcomes for pupils Good

  • Pupils’ outcomes in reading, writing and mathematics are now improving in all year groups. This is because school leaders have improved the quality of teaching and set high expectations for learning. Leaders have made sure that all teachers are clear about the essential skills pupils need in order to at least match age-related expectations and that these skills are promoted consistently across the curriculum. Progress and attainment at key stage 1 is now particularly strong.
  • Pupils join the school with skills and abilities significantly below those expected for their age. Nearly half of the pupils speak English as an additional language. There is also a high level of mobility, particularly inward mobility, as the school is expanding. Progress and attainment of those who have been in school for a sustained period of time is good for all groups. Pupils who join the school in later years are assessed on entry and given effective support to secure progress from their starting points. Published progress and attainment data does not always reflect the underlying progress due to the school’s changing context. Leaders do not succinctly analyse the information they have to demonstrate this.
  • Writing is now a particular strength across the school. Pupils at key stage 1 make significant progress to attain in line with national averages in both expected and at greater depth, and in key stage 2, pupils progress and attain at least in line with national averages. Given the low on-entry language and communication skills for pupils, this represents rapid and sustained progress.
  • Leaders have ensured that the development of language is consistently woven through all aspects of the curriculum across all year groups and that the school’s chosen approaches, such as novel study, are consistently systematically implemented. This is underpinned by a relentless push to secure strong underlying skills of phonics, spelling and grammar for all pupils. This is evident in the results in the phonics screening check in Year 1 being consistently above national figures. In key stage 2, English grammar and punctuation is at least in line with national averages, with the average spelling mark being above.
  • The systematic development of reading, alongside writing, secured very strong progress and attainment at key stage 1 in 2016. However, the progress and attainment of pupils at key stage 2, particularly disadvantaged pupils, was below national averages in 2016. Leaders swiftly identified the reasons for this and have taken effective action to address this. Observations and scrutiny of current assessment information and reading records show that teachers are showing increased clarity and skill in systematically teaching reading skills, using sharply focused assessments to inform next steps, ensuring that pupils are now making at least good progress.
  • In mathematics in 2016, across the school overall, pupils’ progress and attainment were generally in line with national age expectations. However, in the early years and at key stage 2, the numbers attaining above age expectations were below national averages, and at key stage 1, girls did less well, especially when compared to the particularly strong attainment and progress of boys in the school.
  • Inspectors scrutinised pupils’ work in their books and in lessons. Effective leadership is ensuring that teachers are planning consistently for progressive age-related skills in reading, writing and mathematics. This means that current pupils are making at least good progress and securing strong age-appropriate skills and knowledge in reading, writing and mathematics. Leaders are also ensuring that skills progression is consistent year on year in other subjects, such as science, history and geography.
  • Effective leadership is ensuring that pupils at risk of falling behind, including disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, and pupils who have English as a second language, are being particularly carefully tracked and supported. This is ensuring that progress is at least good for these pupils.
  • However, the most able pupils are not making the rapid progress of which they are capable. Scrutiny of pupils’ work books and observations in lessons show that not all teachers are equally skilled at using assessment within lessons to spot when pupils are ready to be moved on to more challenging learning. Also, opportunities for pupils to apply, prove and extend their understanding are not consistent, especially in mathematics.

Early years provision Good

  • Children in the early years enter with skills and abilities below what is expected for their age. By the end of the Reception Year, the proportion of children attaining a good level of development is close to national average. This represents at least good progress from the children’s starting points, so they are well prepared when they enter Year 1.
  • The early years leader sets high expectations across the whole teaching team. She models highly effective teaching. Through effective training, she has ensured that there is clear consistency and progression across Nursery and Reception classes. A particular strength is the consistent drive to develop and extend children’s language, which leaders have identified as an ongoing key priority for children due to the school’s particular context.
  • Teachers use careful, ongoing assessment to plan targeted and structured opportunities to develop skills, particularly in phonics, pre-writing skills and language development. The early years leader is also leading the early years team in taking part in a research group focusing on mastery in mathematics in the early years foundation stage. Observations and assessments showed that this training is improving the precision of teachers’ questioning and opportunities to involve children in critical thinking, although the challenge within these opportunities could have been greater for the most able children.
  • Teachers undertook sharply focused baselines at the start of the school year to assess children’s skills and knowledge on entry and then put appropriate support immediately into place for those disadvantaged children and those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, where required. This is securing rapid progress for these children. However, those who come into Nursery and Reception at or above age expectations do not make as rapid progress, as opportunities to challenge and extend the most able children are not developed consistently.
  • Children settle quickly into the welcoming environment because the adults working in the early years provide a variety of interesting, stimulating and well-organised activities. This means that children work purposefully and maintain concentration on tasks, with or without adult support. Outdoor spaces are shared between Nursery and Reception. This is ensuring that Nursery children are benefiting from Reception children as role models for language and learning. However, the outdoor learning opportunities are not yet as well developed as indoor in contributing to children’s progress.
  • Adults encourage safe play and use of resources and all of the children learn how to keep themselves safe when using the internet. Children are kept safe at all times and are well looked after by caring staff. This ethos ensures that children play happily and fairly together.
  • Parents are rightly positive about the good start their children make in the Reception class. Parents value involvement in their children’s learning through home visits, information meetings for new starters, and regular ‘stay and play’ sessions. They are confident their children are safe and well cared for in this environment.


School details

Unique reference number Local authority Inspection number 120103 Leicester 10023086 This inspection of the school was carried out under section 5 of the Education Act 2005. Type of school Primary School category Age range of pupils Gender of pupils Community 3 to 11 Mixed Number of pupils on the school roll 507 Appropriate authority The governing body Chair Headteacher Lee Matts Jo Higgins Telephone number 01162 461732 Website Email address Date of previous inspection 27–28 January 2015

Information about this school

  • The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website.
  • The school is much larger than the average-sized primary school. Most children attending the school come from the immediate area. There is a high proportion of pupils entering the school later on in their primary education than usual.
  • The vast majority of pupils are from minority ethnic groups and just under half speak English as an additional language, with the largest group being pupils from Asian backgrounds.
  • The proportion of pupils eligible for the pupil premium is slightly below the national average.
  • The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is below the national average.
  • In 2016, the school met the government’s current floor standards which set the minimum expectations for pupils’ attainment and progress by the end of Year 6.
  • The school runs a breakfast club.

Information about this inspection

  • Inspectors observed learning in 32 lessons, including six joint observations with the headteacher and deputy headteachers. Inspectors observed the teaching of early reading skills and pupils were heard reading. The inspectors talked to pupils about their school and looked at pupils’ books while visiting lessons. The team scrutinised a large sample of pupils’ work through joint scrutiny with the headteacher, deputy headteachers and subject leaders, as well as in classrooms during observations, to gain a view of the impact of teaching over time.
  • Inspectors held discussions with the school’s senior and middle leaders, representatives of the governing body and a representative of the local authority.
  • Inspectors spoke to parents informally at the start of both school days and considered 44 responses to the Ofsted online parent questionnaire, Parent View, and recent school parent questionnaires. Inspectors also considered 24 responses to Ofsted’s online staff survey. There were no responses to Ofsted’s online pupil survey.
  • Inspectors looked at a range of documents, including the school’s self-evaluation, improvement plans, records of the monitoring of the quality of teaching, the most recent information on pupils’ achievement and progress, and information relating to safeguarding, behaviour, attendance and punctuality.
  • Inspectors considered the range and quality of information provided on the school’s website.

Inspection team

Mandy Wilding, lead inspector Karen Lewis Caroline Oliver Ofsted Inspector Ofsted Inspector Ofsted Inspector